
Who do you think you are? Clark Gable?

Lincoln Highway Road Trip, day 10 – last day on the old highway.

(Clark Gable and his ’35 Duesenberg.)

A little after 5 pm today after coming into South Bend on the former Lincoln Highway, on Lincoln Way, just after that railway bridge in the pictures, I made a right turn and that was it for the Lincoln Highway adventure. It would have been about 700 miles on a direct route on interstates but with the somewhat more indirect routing, plus all the side roads and extras (such as heading up to Valley Forge or Auburn IN today) it has been a little over 1,000 miles. Six states. What a trip. Fantastic and completely different.

That’s the main exhibition space in the former showroom in what was once the administrative building and showroom at the Auburn Cord Duesenberg museum in Auburn taken this morning – the cars are on display in the showroom in the deco building where they were once sold. The collection is elsewhere in the building too but the really special ones are here. Great museum.

The other pictures were taken at Notre Dame University today. It is a huge and very impressive campus. The depiction of Christ on the wall of the 60s library, by the way, is called Touchdown Jesus (it directly faces the Knute Rockne entrance to the stadium). I don’t make this stuff up. That’s the famous “Golden Dome” admin building – it is older than most of the other buildings one sees.

Before I go offline, I may post one or two more sets…we shall see. It’s off to Michigan tomorrow to go see friends in Charlevoix in the north of the state and then I will start the long drive back home via Michigan, then Canada and finally via upstate NY back to Brooklyn. Interstates for the return journey. Probably I will check out Niagara Falls on the way but otherwise I don’t have any particular plans for the return trip…